Install a photovoltaic system in your company with Geoside: generate clean energy, maximize energy efficiency, and reduce operating costs.

Photovoltaics is currently one of the best technological solutions for contributing to the decarbonization of industries. Geoside designs and installs customized photovoltaic systems tailored to the needs of businesses. We provide comprehensive support, leveraging solid technological know-how and years of experience in design and Energy Management.



What Are the Benefits of Photovoltaics?


costi_bassi.pngLOWER COSTS
Self-produced energy from photovoltaic systems allows businesses to significantly reduce energy costs.

indipendenza_energetica.svgENERGY INDEPENDENCE
Self-produced energy is a stable source that protects you from energy price fluctuations.

abbatimento_emissioni.pngREDUCED EMISSIONS
The energy produced is clean and renewable, significantly lowering the company's CO2 emissions.

manutenzione-impianti.svgLOW MAINTENANCE
After the initial installation, you get long-term energy savings with minimal additional costs.


Geoside's Approach to Photovoltaics


Feasibility Study

We analyze the available surfaces for the installation of the system, including on-site inspections, to determine the most suitable technologies for the project.


Energy Demand Analysis

We assess the company's current energy consumption, identifying the highest consumption areas and potential opportunities for energy savings.


Development of Technical and Economic Proposal

Based on the analysis results and the client's specific requirements, we present our technical and economic proposal.


Geoside's Photovoltaic Solutions


1.pngESCo Formula


Your company will have no financial or operational burdens: the investment is covered by Geoside, with guaranteed and shared savings for the entire duration of the contract.

2.pngTurnkey Formula


The photovoltaic system is sold directly, with the initial investment, management and maintenance costs, and investment risk borne by the client company.


Trust Geoside

With Geoside’s ESCo contract formula, your company can access site redevelopment and efficiency improvements with no financial risk and 100% guaranteed results, thanks to the expertise of a leading ESCo in the industry.

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