Geoside is the Energy Service Company (ESCo)
of the Italgas Group and has been an innovator in the energy efficiency market for many years.
Geoside has been accompanying businesses in the industrial and tertiary sectors for years on a path of energy efficiency aimed at making all activities more sustainable in economic and environmental terms.
We make your company more efficient and sustainable, identifying with you customized solutions with the aim of optimizing your consumption and reducing your environmental impact, for a positive impact on the environment and increased market competitiveness.
We support you in making your properties more energy efficient through innovative solutions and the most advanced Digital Energy Management technologies. Our experts will guide you on a path to optimizing costs and reducing your carbon footprint.
Experience and innovation in energy efficiency
Machine learning processes developed
Installations managed
Energy diagnoses performed
Private, business, and public administration clients
Municipalities served
Consulting, project development and support
We were the first Italian ESCo to develop advanced Predictive Analysis software, and we are the only ESCo that can provide our clients with comprehensive support on all aspects of energy.
- Business
- Private customers